
JVComm32,das neue FAX,SSTV Programm f r Windows95,Windows98 und Windows NT4.0 / 2000 und XP. Ein universelles Programm f r den Empfang von HF-FAX Wetterkarten. I do not accept any responsibility or liability whatever with regard to the material on this site. This material is information of a general nature only which JVComm32 from DK8JV together with EasyDSP from DF6JB is the new revolution for Image Communications. Jvcomm.de is tracked by us since August, 2014. Over the time it has been ranked as high as 2 358 599 in the world, while most of its traffic comes from Russian. The Independent Organisation for Weather Satellite and Earth Observation Enthusiasts. Find the latest Cleveland Northeast Ohio Classifieds available from cleveland.com online classifieds and affiliated newspaper classifieds. Search through local. Comment capter la m t o marine en mer, cette page evoluera au fil du temps afin de vous fournir un maximum d'informations r actualis. NAVTEX is a system for supplying shipping with weather reports and navigational warnings. NAVTEX can also be received and decoded using a communications receiver. Overview of Amateur Radio Station WB8NUT and information on Digital Modes, APRS, D-Star Le trafic en SSTV Retour au menu : Le trafic - Index g n ral - Le son des diff rentes modulations. Principe de base de la SSTV La SSTV ou t l vision balayage. Software f r Navigation und Astronavigation, GPS, Screensaver, Karten zum Dowload f r Segler. Navtex (Navigational Telex) is an international automated medium frequency direct-printing service for delivery of navigational and meteorological warnings. Ham Radio Digital Modes software list. A large list of ham radio digital mode software and sources to get them with descriptions ham radio, Receiver 144 - 146 MHz, Meteosat, Noaa, NOAA-18, Meteor, Receiver 137 - 141 MHz, LNC 1691 MHz, actual keplerian elements, short wave 80 metre amateur radio. Get the latest Chargers news, schedule, photos and rumors from Chargers Wire, the best Chargers blog available. An amateur radio repeater is an electronic device that receives a weak or low-level amateur radio signal and retransmits it at a higher level or higher power But you don't need a ham radio license and transmitter to participate in space radio. Monitoring of radio transmissions is a popular hobby Antennen f r den KW-Empf nger (SWL), Antennen f r UKW Scanner, Aktivantenne, Aufsteck- und Langdrahtantennen, Antennenverteiler, Preselector und vieles. Einf hrung: Introduction: Noch vor einigen Jahren galten RTTY, FAX, SSTV Co. als Sonderbetriebsarten, da der Aufwand, um darin QRV zu werden, insbesondere.